Saturday, 12 January 2013

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Friday, 11 January 2013

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Sreevalsam institute of medical science Naduvattam edapal April 2013: Innaugration of Hospital

Sreevalsam Educational Trust.
സര്‍വേ ഭവന്തു സുഖിന:, സര്‍വേ സന്തു നിരാമയാ:
സര്‍വേ ഭദ്രാണി പശ്യന്തു, മാ കശ്ചിത് ദു:ഖ ഭാഗ് ഭവേത്
"May everyone be happy,
May everyone be free of illness,
May all that is seen be blessed,
Let there never be sorrow"

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Project Status

Major mile stones:
Suggestion from the Doctor’s committee meeting, earlier plan of 350 (Three hundred fifty) bed hospital has changed to 600 (Six Hundred) bed hospital. To accommodate additional 250beds earlier plan has changed,  our earlier plan was to construct 3,46,000 Sq. ft. building in 6 floors and now it is above 4 Lakhs Sq. Ft.  in 7 Floors .  This caused the delay of at least 3 months.  This will help us to increase our MBBS seat from 100 to 200 numbers in future with the prevailing norms of 3:1 ratio of MCI (3 bed:1 MBBS seat). (Increment of 350 beds to 600 beds).
* November 2012: Completed entire structure construction for 4,20,000 sqft. in seven floors.
*31st May 2011: Started giving interest to the members.
*1st May 2011: Ground Leveling Work Started.
*April 2011: Construction contract awarded to United constructions.
*16th March 2011: Obtained approval for the site plan. Further licensing procedures are in progress.
*March 2011: Formed a technical advisory committee for the construction work.
*Jan 2011: Site plan prepared by Iqbal & Associates under the guidance of prominent Vasthu consultant Brahmasree Kanippayyur Krishnan Namboothiripad .
*20th November 2010: Foundation Stone laid for the super-specialty Hospital by Hon. Minister of State for Railways, Govt. of India - Sri. E. Ahmed and Mahakavi Akkitham.
*June 2010: Purchased land at Naduvattom,Edappal, Malappuram Dist. (The absence of a super specialty hospital in the vicinity, plain land with abundance of water supply, proximity to major towns/ airport, ease of access etc lead us to procurement of this land)
*29th January 2010: Executed deed of Sreevalsam Educational trust with Dr.V.P.Gopinathan, Mr.K.R.Raju, Mr.K.Vijayan and Adv.P.C.Usha as settlers and started search for an ideal location/ membership campaign.
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Upcoming Milestones
*April 2013: Innaugration of Hospital (tentatively)

about sreevalsam trust
Sreevalsam Educational trust was formed in February 2010 with the aim of setting up of a super-specialty hospital and a medical college with all its ancillaries such as College of Nursing, College of Pharmacy and other Para-medical courses. Our main objective is to provide high quality health care and education to all at an affordable cost.
After feasibility studies and market research, an ideal plot was purchased at Naduvattom, Edappal, Malappuram district, Kerala. The absence of a super specialty hospital in the vicinity, plain land with abundance of water supply, proximity to major towns/ airport, ease of access etc. lead us in selection of this location.
It is a matter of pride that within a short span of one year, we received memberships of about 200 like-minded people, purchased an appropriate land as per the medical council guidelines, prepared plans, obtained necessary approvals and started construction of the hospital. The hospital is scheduled to be innaugrated (tentatively) in April 2013. Formalities for the construction of medical college will begin soon side by side.
We invite you to be part of this venture and avail multiple benefits. By being part of our team , you will automatically contribute to the charity based social initiative of the trust, which is designed to provide free or subsidized health care to the under privileged.
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